They Can Find You Online, But You Don't Have To Put Up With It.


For years I felt like I had no power or privacy from family members until I realised that knowledge is power. For a while now, I have known that abusive family members have been monitoring me over social media. This is one type of controlling type of behaviour which can make them feel like your at home with them again while they Supervise you. Don't let this manipulative behaviour fool you. Despite the voyerism in this type of behaviour, they don't really have control over you as they cannot intervene with your life (they think they can, because they believe they can convince you to talk to them again but they can't).

Not only have I been able to tighten up my privacy on social media but I have also kept in mind what they can see and so I like to remind them of the power they Don't have over me. Although cutting yourself off and tightening your privacy settings can limit their capacity to indulge in the full extent of controlling behaviour, they still will pick up crumbs or desperately try to find you online if they can't find you in real life.

They will still be upset they they can't find you in real life. Last time I spoke to my Father he confessed that he found it 'scary' that he didn't know where I lived. (pretending to be a caring parent) what he was really saying is that he found it scary that he had no real way of controlling me. Although he would like me to be fearful that he may know how to find out where I live (which I am confident he can't do) I know that he hasn't been able to find me or I would of found a note at my door from my abusive grandmother or she would have knocked at my door.

On that note, there is additional information that I have found that can help people in this similiar predicament. When someone is spying on your social media or even trying to contact you despite them knowing you want no contact with them, it's called technolgy abuse and there are many things you can do about it. The resource is here if you need it

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